Hi, it's Joe. There is a new mantis in the aquarium. Reeko died a couple days ago, but I have a new mantis named Veker.
It's a female and she had two egg sacs. Each egg sac holds up to two hundred babies.
That's a lot of mantises so she laid two egg sacs that would be two hundred plus two hundred would be about four hundred mantis babies. WOW thats a lot of mantises. By the way, we are Christians.
This is a picture of Veker's egg sac
Well we will go back to my mantis. Bye.
Hi Joe! I love your blog. I never knew so much about about the mantis. So how do you pronounce Veker? Long e or short e sound?
Keep writing about your bugs. Sara loves to learn about them. We miss you all!!
Aunt Carrie
It's a long e. tell Sara Joe said hi. bye
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